Tuesday, 23 June 2009


Everyone needs something to believe in
But since everything is upside down
That something is being brought to you
Better yet that something is being bought to you
“Offered” in exchange of your life and of course your beliefs
So if you look away from what is being offered to you by all means
Tv set`s and all other sorts of poisoning, if you look away you will start to have something to believe in, and believe me
You will start from zero, you will start as a child knowing nothing except that all that you have been taught, all that have been offered for you for your beliefs is WRONG !!!

Believe in that, that what have been said to you is wrong, start from there and you will get somewhere and that “somewhere” is better than the one that you have been wandering

Wednesday, 17 June 2009


poetizo gestos obscenos
esboço esboços de mau gosto
faço de conta que vivo
estas palavras que escrevo
sinto estes gestos
durmo sobre estes pensamentos
e reviro-me do avesso
voltando ao mesmo
aos mesmos gestos obscenos